Sunday, October 2, 2011

Look Out I Am Being Unique

(Some of what I have to say is not literal but some funny tid-bits because if this is just me saying whatever without some sort of giggle break then I would want to find the closest car and run into it, whether or not its moving depends on your intelligence level. See like that, that was a joke! These will be filled with them, why? Becuz I'm like that, guuuuuuuuuuuuurl, mmmmmmmmmm {sassy spanish girl}).

I used to think that blogs were kinda weird and whiney. Why do I have one? Great question reader trying to distract thereself from either homework or masturbation. Well, I'm cool and unique, but mainly unique. In order for me to be fully unique I need to be like everyone else and get one of these things and talk about myself because although I am unique I am still self-centered, duh!

So where I'm at you ask, well I won't tell you cuz ur a creep. PWNED!

No, but fo realz.

I am a sophmore at the University of somewhere in New England that I won't tell so that my ass (literally) doesn't end up on local or national news thus giving my parents a reason to be proud of their second son. My freshman year went great minus some of the second semester, but overall I came back so  it had to have been good. This year I was afraid that I was gonna do or say something stupid, luckily I didn't nor haven't so go me! However, it seems like everything around me is getting dumped or angry at eachother, why this is Idk and I used to nc but now it is October which means something is clearly up within the world around me so now I must c. If the beginning of this semester had a theme song it would be Creep by Radiohead, because they were on the Colbert Report and that fucking song is stuck in my head (indie bastards) and it would provide depressing but interesting background music. Everything in my life needs the perfect background music or it will never win the lifetime academy award for kid who spends time masturbating and thinking about this shit...sorry I had to poop. Where was I?... oh right everything around me. Its weird, when shit happens to me it causes me stress, but when it happens to a close friend it causes more stress which makes me want to: a) poop b)have a cigarette c)have a beer. I quit smoking (for now) and I am not 21 nor do I have connections (thanks college) so I guess I have to obviously just be a good friend and be there. Sometimes being there just doesn't feel like enough, but I don't know what to say, I'm unique not a philosophizer (please don't sue ben stiller). I am choosing to be there with my friend, but I think worrying about me may be better, cuz if everyone worries about me then the world is at peace. I have things in my life I want to do and accomplish so I think doing that would be nice, focusing on progressing in the life of me would be a smart idea whether or not I do it we'll thats up to not you. And if you know whether or not I'm doing it then ur either here or ur a stalker and if ur the latter than the cops will arrive shortly. See you next week. LOOK OUT I'M BEING UNIQUE

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